A Long, Winding PATH
The PATH Alliance was officially incorporated in 2016, but its history actually goes back to the founding of Occlink, LLC in 2008.
Jerry Laval, the President and founder of The PATH Alliance, established Occlink as a consulting organization to help employers revamp their workers’ compensation programs and turn around their businesses. The company quickly realized the immense savings that self-insurance could offer employers, and subsequently became an expert in leading them through the process of becoming self-insured. As of 2020, PATH has taken over 60 companies to self-insurance.
As the business organically grew, it became clear that average employers were losing far more in workers’ compensation costs than necessary. This was due to a lack of knowledge on their part, as well as a low standard of service in the industry.
In 2010, while continuing to operate Occlink and help employers become self-insured, Jerry Laval and his partner, Randy Bugg, founded Pacific Claims Management to provide employers with third-party claims administration services. With the help of a dedicated and experienced Leadership Team, this company grew to nearly 50 employees, handling accounts of more than $800 million in payroll. In 2021, Pacific Claims Management was spun off, and is now a completely independent company under new ownership.
Today, The PATH Alliance serves the needs of California self-insured employers. It is the company’s mission to be a resource for all public and private employers, and to elevate the standard of service in the workers’ compensation industry. The PATH Alliance stands for Performance, Accountability, Transparency, and Honor, and puts these values at the core of all its work.